Meeting Dates
All webconferences begin at 12 noon Eastern unless noted below and are also both recorded and summarized for our international members and those with schedule conflicts.• 2019: 1/15, 2/12, 3/12, 4/9, 5/14, 6/11, 7/16, 8/13, 9/17, 10/8, 11/12, 12/10.
• 2020: 1/14, 2/11, 3/10, 4/14, 5/12, 6/9, 7/14, 8/11, 9/15, 10/13, 11/10, 12/8.
• 2021: 1/23, 2/20, 3/20, 4/17, 5/15, 6/19, 7/24, 8/21, 9/18, 10/16, 11/27, 12/18.
Meeting Topics and Discussion Leaders.
Any missed? Available on the member portal in both video and PDF summaries.
General Electric, Brackett Denniston, Senior Vice President, General Counsel,
Discussing: "General Counsel in a More Turbulent Time"
LG Electronics - Richard Wingate, Vice President and General Counsel.
Discussing: "Optimizing the Working Relationship Between Business Departments and In-House Counsel"
Verizon - Steve Tugentman, Senior Vice President & General Counsel.
Discussing: "Business Transformation -- Legal Department Implications"
Cisco Systems, Van Dang, Vice President, Law & Deputy General Counsel,
"Benchmarking and Performance Strategies for Motivating and Retaining Your In-House Legal Team"
Raymond James Financial - Paul Matecki, General Counsel.
Discussing: "Best Practices in Managing Priviliged Documents".
BNP Paribas - Betty Whelchel, General Counsel.
Discussing: "Internal Legal Departments - Meeting New Challenges".
Liberty Mutual - Harris Berensen, Senior Corporate Counsel.
Discussing: "Developing, Maximizing and Maintaing the Inside Counsel, Outside Counsel Partnership"
ADP - Bill O'Connell, VP Global Trust Assurance.
Discussing: "Third Party Risk: How to Help a Business Succeed in an Outsourced Economy"
Walgreens - Barbara Dunlap, Senior Attorney of Employee Relations.
Discussing: "Social Networks: An Employer's Perspective."
Friendly's Ice Cream - Bob Sawyer, General Counsel.
Discussing: "Fundamentals of Franchise Law".
Accenture - Joel Stern, Global Deputy General Counsel.
Discussing: "Values-Based Leadership for Lawyers".
Sprint Charles Wunsch, General Counsel.
Discussing: "How Emerging Technology Has Changed the Practice of Law".
Parsons - Clyde Ellis, SVP and General Counsel.
Discussing: "Governance and Ethics"
Ingersoll Rand - Eileen Petito, Counsel.
Discussing: "Ten+ Tenant Issues in Commercial Leases".
Boston Consulting Group - Jeremy Barton, General Counsel.
Discussing: "Strategic Visioning for an Effective In-house Legal Department".
Cox Communications - Linda Trickey, Deputy Assistant General Counsel.
Discussing: "Global Internet Privacy Issues (working title)."
Perry Ellis - Paige Dygert, Associate General Counsel.
Discussing: "Contract Negotiations & Strategies."
Cisco Systems, Connie C. Chen, Senior Corporate Counsel, Acquisitions and Investments,
Discussing: "Open Source Diligence in M & A Transactions"
IBM, Property Law Headquarters, Marc Sandy Block, Staff Counsel,
Discussing: "Where Patents Meet Technical Standards"
Bearing Point, John DeGroote, President, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary,
Discussing: "Lawsuit Settlement: How to Get There Better, Cheaper, and Faster"
Jockey International - Mark Jaeger, Senior Vice President and General Counsel.
Discussing: "Running a Legal Department in lean times: Retaining talent, delivering result".
Embarq - Claudia Toussiant, General Counsel.
Discussing: "Risk Management: The Role of the Board and of In-House Legal Counsel"
Marathon Oil Corporation - Richard Kolencik, Assistant General Counsel.
Discussing: "Insider Trading, Section 16 Reporting and Regulation FD"
Ingram Micro - Larry Boyd, Executive Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel.
Discussing: "Doing More With Less: Compliance in a Resource-Constrained World
IBM - Mark S Walker, Site Counsel-SWG Austin IP.
Discussing: "Improving Patent Protection Effectiveness by Corporate Patent Strategy Management."
Iron Mountain - Greg Pemberton and Web Hull. They presented:
Discussing: "Mass Data Protection"
The Hershey Company - Susan Angele, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel.
Discussing: "Preparing for Crisis"
Abbott Laboratories - Sarita Pendurthi, Counsel of Intellectual Property, Litigation
Discussing: "Privacy and Data Protection"
Cisco - Steve Harmon, Director of Legal Services.
Discussing: "Legal Collaboration"
Lennox International - John Torres, EVP and Chief Legal Officer.
Discussing: "Maximizing Efficiency of Outside Counsel Spend"
Accenture - Joel Stern, Global Deputy General Counsel.
Discussing: "Values-Based Leadership for Lawyers."
LG Electronics - Rick C. Wingate, Vice President and General Counsel.
Discussing: "How to Work With Your In-House General Counsel."
Sprint - Charles "Charlie" Wunsch, General Counsel, Senior Vice President and Corporate Secretary.
Discussing: "Enterprise Emerging Issues From our Interconnected World."
Best Buy - Mary Thomas, Employment Attorney.
Discussing: "Joint Employment"
Ryder System - Heather Gatley, Associate General Counsel, Global Labor and Employment.
Discussing: "The Critical Role of the GC or CLO in 'Winning' Class Actions."
Schwab - Lynda Ruiz, Vice President, Associate General Counsel.
Discussing: "Fiduciary Duties Under ERISA."
OfficeMax - Matt Broad, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Legal Department.
Discussing: "Reflections on a Merger of Equals."
Kaiser Foundation - Mark Zemelman, SVP & General Counsel.
Discussing: "Diversity Initiatives."
Wells Fargo - Van Beck, SVP and Assistant General Counsel.
Discussing: "The Economic Environment, Litigation and Regulation."
Symantec - William Barthell, Senior Director - Operations & Trade Compliance, Legal & Public Affairs
Discussing: "Trade Sanctions."
DLA Piper - Sydney White, Counsel.
Discussing: "Data Security/Breach Notice and Cybersecurity Developments"
Hub International - Sibyl Bogardus, Chief Compliance Officer.
Discussing: "Health Reform: What Corporate Counsel Need to Know to Ensure Compliance"
General Dynamics - Mark Nackman
Discussing: "Law Department Balanced Scorecard"
Pepperidge Farm - Jennifer Lannom, Corporate Manager, HPO & Operational Excellence.
Discussing: "High Performance Organization." A technical issue prevented the recording of audio.
Zurich Insurance - Martin Strnad, Head Legal Global Corporate.
Discussing: "Insurance for Global Corporate Clients: Challenges and Approaches"
Bacardi - Terri Doud, Senior Corporate Counsel.
Discussing: "Legal Issues in Digital Marketing."
United Technologies - Steven Greenspan, Associate General Counsel, Litigation.
Discussing: "The Hourly Rate is Dead."
Symantec - Melynnie Rizvi, Senior Corporate Counsel.
Discussing: "International Contingency Workers."
Procter & Gamble - Ken Patel, Vice President & Associate General Counsel - Legal.
Discussing: "Procter & Gamble Legal Department's Recessionary Response."
Cisco - Nancy Paik, Senior Corporate Counsel, Employment Law.
Discussing: "Social Media Issues."
General Electric, Todd Dickinson, Vice President and Chief Intellectual Property Counsel,
Discussing: "The Future of IP"
Freescale - Jonathan Greenberg, General Counsel.
Discussing: "Navigating the Law Department Through Strategic Change."
Zurich Insurance - Anthony Miele, ESQ., Compliance Director.
Discussing: "Time Management - Integrating Job Responsibilities with Professional/Academic Development."
Iron Mountain - Richard (Rich) Reynolds, Vice President and Senior Counsel, Privacy & Compliance.
Discussing: "Privacy & Data Protection Practical Implementation: Three Examples."
Eaton - Susanne Marston, Vice President & Chief Counsel - EMEA.
Discussing: "Risk Management in Emerging Markets."
Siskind Susser - Karen Weinstock and Todd Stein, Managing Attorney.
Discussing: "3 Ways Immigration Reform Will Impact Your Company."
Compuware - Abraham Mouritz, EMEA General Counsel .
Discussing: "Get IT - Projects."
United Technologies - Steve Greenspan.
Discussing: "The Hourly Rate is Dead."
McDermott Will & Emery LLP, Steve Ryan, Partner,
Discussing: "Using an Integrated Legal Government Strategies Approach for Corporate Crises"
Raymond James Financial, Paul L. Matecki, Director of Compliance and Secretary,
Discussing: "Privacy Compliance in a Global Environment"
Cataphora, Sonya Sigler, General Counsel,
Discussing: "Controlling eDiscovery Costs"
Actel, David Foster, Intellectual Property Counsel,
Discussing: "Patent Strategies in View of Recent Case Law and PTO Rule Changes"
ChoicePoint, Alan Rosenberg, Vice President, Privacy, Ethics and Compliance and Assistant General CounselDiscussing: "Privacy & Compliance Good Practices: The Nine Point Plan"
Halliburton, Ronald Perkowski, Senior Counsel,
Discussing: "Money Laundering and Global Non Financial Institutions - What the Lawyers Need to Know"
General Electric, Todd Dickinson, Vice President and Chief Intellectual Property Counsel,
Discussing: "Patent Reform"
Walgreens, Allan Resnick, Divisional Vice President, Law,
Discussing: "Enhancing Communication Within The Law Department"
Cisco, Graham Allen, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel,
Discussing: "Leveraging Your Resources - How to Maximize the Value of your Internal Team and External Partners"
Avvo, Josh King, VP of Business Development and General Counsel,
Discussing: "Social Media for In-House Counsel"
Waste Management, Kim Stith, General Counsel,
Discussing: "ADA Amendments Act: Expanded Coverage and Increased Employer Responsibilities"

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Discussing: "General Counsel in a More Turbulent Time"

Discussing: "Optimizing the Working Relationship Between Business Departments and In-House Counsel"

Discussing: "Business Transformation -- Legal Department Implications"

"Benchmarking and Performance Strategies for Motivating and Retaining Your In-House Legal Team"

Discussing: "Best Practices in Managing Priviliged Documents".

Discussing: "Internal Legal Departments - Meeting New Challenges".

Discussing: "Developing, Maximizing and Maintaing the Inside Counsel, Outside Counsel Partnership"

Discussing: "Third Party Risk: How to Help a Business Succeed in an Outsourced Economy"

Discussing: "Social Networks: An Employer's Perspective."

Discussing: "Fundamentals of Franchise Law".

Discussing: "Values-Based Leadership for Lawyers".

Discussing: "How Emerging Technology Has Changed the Practice of Law".

Discussing: "Governance and Ethics"

Discussing: "Ten+ Tenant Issues in Commercial Leases".

Discussing: "Strategic Visioning for an Effective In-house Legal Department".

Discussing: "Global Internet Privacy Issues (working title)."

Discussing: "Contract Negotiations & Strategies."

Discussing: "Open Source Diligence in M & A Transactions"

Discussing: "Where Patents Meet Technical Standards"

Discussing: "Lawsuit Settlement: How to Get There Better, Cheaper, and Faster"

Discussing: "Running a Legal Department in lean times: Retaining talent, delivering result".

Discussing: "Risk Management: The Role of the Board and of In-House Legal Counsel"

Discussing: "Insider Trading, Section 16 Reporting and Regulation FD"

Discussing: "Doing More With Less: Compliance in a Resource-Constrained World

Discussing: "Improving Patent Protection Effectiveness by Corporate Patent Strategy Management."

Discussing: "Mass Data Protection"

Discussing: "Preparing for Crisis"

Discussing: "Privacy and Data Protection"

Discussing: "Legal Collaboration"

Discussing: "Maximizing Efficiency of Outside Counsel Spend"

Discussing: "Values-Based Leadership for Lawyers."

Discussing: "How to Work With Your In-House General Counsel."

Discussing: "Enterprise Emerging Issues From our Interconnected World."

Discussing: "Joint Employment"

Discussing: "The Critical Role of the GC or CLO in 'Winning' Class Actions."

Discussing: "Fiduciary Duties Under ERISA."

Discussing: "Reflections on a Merger of Equals."

Discussing: "Diversity Initiatives."

Discussing: "The Economic Environment, Litigation and Regulation."

Discussing: "Trade Sanctions."

Discussing: "Data Security/Breach Notice and Cybersecurity Developments"

Discussing: "Health Reform: What Corporate Counsel Need to Know to Ensure Compliance"

Discussing: "Law Department Balanced Scorecard"

Discussing: "High Performance Organization." A technical issue prevented the recording of audio.

Discussing: "Insurance for Global Corporate Clients: Challenges and Approaches"

Discussing: "Legal Issues in Digital Marketing."

Discussing: "The Hourly Rate is Dead."

Discussing: "International Contingency Workers."

Discussing: "Procter & Gamble Legal Department's Recessionary Response."

Discussing: "Social Media Issues."

Discussing: "The Future of IP"

Discussing: "Navigating the Law Department Through Strategic Change."

Discussing: "Time Management - Integrating Job Responsibilities with Professional/Academic Development."

Discussing: "Privacy & Data Protection Practical Implementation: Three Examples."

Discussing: "Risk Management in Emerging Markets."

Discussing: "3 Ways Immigration Reform Will Impact Your Company."

Discussing: "Get IT - Projects."

Discussing: "The Hourly Rate is Dead."

Discussing: "Using an Integrated Legal Government Strategies Approach for Corporate Crises"

Discussing: "Privacy Compliance in a Global Environment"

Discussing: "Controlling eDiscovery Costs"

Discussing: "Patent Strategies in View of Recent Case Law and PTO Rule Changes"


Discussing: "Money Laundering and Global Non Financial Institutions - What the Lawyers Need to Know"

Discussing: "Patent Reform"

Discussing: "Enhancing Communication Within The Law Department"

Discussing: "Leveraging Your Resources - How to Maximize the Value of your Internal Team and External Partners"

Discussing: "Social Media for In-House Counsel"

Discussing: "ADA Amendments Act: Expanded Coverage and Increased Employer Responsibilities"

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